I think I was in the mood to draw some unusual angles (also in tomorrow’s strip), but this one actually I think fits in with the topic.
Oh, and I have had that thoughts. But thankfully not seriously.
If you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em.
I often wonder if parents are able to stand back when they see their child act in ways they disapprove and say, oh right, that fits into the philosophy I taught them.
Oh, and don’t forget, this is mid-June they are going swimming in New England. Still pretty damn cold in the water.
I find something inherently funny about watching a toaster that you’ve forgotten to plug in. I think I even did a strip in Little Dee about it.
Of course, at the time it certainly isn’t funny. :)
As a writer of serial stories, I found sometimes when in a rut it helped to bring a big changer in so everyone in the story would have to deal with it. With Little Dee, it was a minivan full of penguins.
See? It’s more than a running gag, it’s a running gag within a running gag. How intellectual is that?