I have no idea why i thought Ralph Nadar would be funny here, perhaps because he was the most incongruous person I could imagine in the situation.
I missed that particular game of glow-in-the-dark golf, I think it took place in South Deerfield.
I’ve always been uncomfortable with making fun of people, especially when I don’t like them because I know my intentions are not objective.
I forgot if I said this or heard this, “endless distractions ’til we die,” but it still cracks me up. As does the response, which also happened, although I forgot who. :)
This strip is kinda true, fo rme. Sometime around middle-school (if I recall), I realized that if I felt stuck in a 9-5 job I hated, that when I was 28, I’d kill myself. By the time I was 28, I obviously did not kill myself although I was not yet really an artistic success. I’m not sure if the original thought had faded in intensity, or if I felt I had enough of a chance with time. Hm