Visually, this character was based on my friend Kevin (who gave the okay). Not in any other way. But it was still fun to watch him have to sit through his role. I imagine sometimes directors feel this way.
Determining motivation can sometimes be so hard to untangle. Fortunately, it is rarely useful information in moving forward.
Ah, being single and finding someone is such a difficult and frustration thing. And the best relationships I’ve had came not from looking. What’s the lesson there?
And “planted.” Heh.
These are my exact three sentiments about fireworks on the Fourth of July. The fourth sentiment involves dogs. The fifth involves use of public funds.
These are some of the worst kinds of conversations for me. Where you don’t realize the topic you’re going to mention casually is actually really REALLY negatively judged by the person you’re talking with. It can be a real mess.