I think I actually found that I had written that in one of my notebooks (I always had notebooks around with ideas written in them), and found it warped and amusing.
Jeremy is actually an offshoot of the character Arthur from my novel Loved Into Submission (which you should buy!) I had created Arthur and didn’t want to wait the year or so of plotting I had to do before really writing to get to him, and so I created a seed of him in Jeremy. The two character do have some similarities, but they really parted ways from the get-go.
I think I had drawn in the characters for this strip, and then realized that they were on the wrong sides of the bench, and so I lettered the strip BACKWARDS. Since I didn’t own a computer back then, I had Kinkos photocopy it onto a transparency, and then I photocopied that from the reverse side to get the final image. Which is why the lettering looks weird.
“WHAT?” you’re asking, how could you not have had a computer for a webcomic back then? Well, it was 1996 or so and my friend in California had a computer, scanner, and website (sans content), and I had none. So i would actually draw the strip and then SNAIL-mail a hard copy to him, which he’d put online. Fortunately after a year or so this horribly tedious process ended when I finally got computer access.
I like how tenuously, yet directly, Jeremy notes that she seems to be somewhat in a slump.
Bruno suffers from this thing, which myself and other’s I’ve known also have, where she’s super-emotional but at the same time super-controlled, and at the end of the day there’s just a messy puddle with lint and hairballs in it and describing it makes even less sense.
I find being unemotional in the face of great beauty to always be a useless attempt.
Not that I’d show it.
I have little to say in response to this except that it’s a dangerous path. Allow evidence to pass, and if evidence is sufficient enough, emotions can change. But the process seems vital to me.
The punchline of this one, is one of those “truths” I question the truth of. Do most people make things hard because they crave a struggle/challenge, or is it just the neurotic minority like myself? I’d poll you all, but I imagine it’s a skewed group. :)
That’s one of the joys of nonsense, is if you lose your place, you don’t have to find it again.
This strip is also an early illustration of my love for rhymes.
As someone who historically carries the weight of the problems of the universe on his shoulders (not that I’ve ever felt very effective in my actions to counter-act anything), I’ve always found that when I was in a blissful state of denial, and enjoying it, to ride it. Because by the next day I’d again be worried about all the problems of the universe, so it was permissible.
Thank goodness these days I try to ignore the horrors, and simply do what I can when I can. Because I learned that feeling awful, in my case at least, was not very effective.
I think there is a bizarre but distinct feeling of similarity to Barabara Bush in Jeremy’s expression here, not sure why. But I do remember writing that punchline AFTER drawing the strip.
Oh, and the story Jeremy is telling in this strip really happened to me. Honestly, I think students should show respect to teachers, but I also think that some justifications for doing so are very reasonable. But the person i was speaking with apparently did not. Heh. :)