I broke the fourth wall a bit in this one. At the time, all the daily strips I knew were family friendly (newspaper strips, this was pre-internet), and so there wasn’t a lot of pot smoking.
But Randall is such in his own world, that he would be the one to step outside his own strip.
And I must’ve been on a roll, two major characters in one week.
New England has some crazy weather, and I remember that this was the actual weather situation at the time.
To draw this, I did an incomplete drawing, leaving out many parts, and then specked white paint daubs all over the things I DID draw.
This reminds me of many late night conversations I’ve had, where eventually the brain begins to slide.
The “Santa Turned Viking” was a short-lived comic book idea I had, starring Santa Claus, Nick Nolte, and the Pope — all of them giving up their jobs to loot and pillage. The bumper sticker says “Vote Zappa.”
Growing up, our family tried to go and see the sunrise at least once a year (usually on Easter, which we celebrated with chocolate but not with religion).
It’s amazing that years can pass without actively seeing it rise, because most of the time it rises before you’re awake or while you’re at work, or while you’re doing those million other things which seem so important.
Hah. Obviously I put a lot of importance on the notion. I am very obvious. But, truth be told, I’m not sure the last time I actually last saw it.
My attempt here was to imply that Bruno had made at least a cursory attempt to teach Amy about secret societies of old Europe. Among other things.
And to have a laugh.
Actually, I think it comes from “icicle” and not “suckle.” Ah well.
Notice it is “Deadalus” cooler, Deadalus being the father of icarus. Just being literarily silly there.
Not sure what to say about this strip. There it is. Follow-up on Amy. Randall being chosen because he got on the best with her.
It’s funny that I’ve never really been a stoner, nor really enjoyed the experience (I didn’t inhale, of course), but I appreciate it, and find Randall’s good natured stoned existence to be irresistible.