I find that often people as straightforward as Randall have difficulty quite “getting” abstract people like Bruno.
I think this is where I decided that Randall and Lenny simply don’t like each other very much. Never went much into why beyond what was in this strip, but I think it added a fuller dimension to them.
Nice computers, nice cars, nice shoes. Hard to explain why you have them if you’re in debt.
At least with a computer NOWadays, there might be business justification.
This is a good lesson to remember. I mean, sure, maybe “smoking” is too over the top, but you’d be amazed how much people don’t realize about what they consume.
Whenever people say “no fair” there is usually someone else thinking the same thing.
Also, I have news. Great news! Penguin/Dial books will be publishing my comic strip “Little Dee” as a 120 page full graphic novel! I’ll be writing, drawing, and coloring it, and it’s due out in about a year or so. I’m very excited about this, what fun!
And I hope you have a good memorial day. Thank you to those who have served.
See that? That is a BIG difference in people. Some people are surprised at their own weakness, but accepting of it. Some are not surprised and are harsh.
This MAKES NO SENSE. Which is so very human. :)
There’s a deep point there: exhibiting will has a price.
Well, a deep point until you think about it too much. Thus is the way of Randall.