Nothing more embarrassing than spilling something messy (or clogging a toilet, or breaking a window, etc) at a party. I’d share personal experiences, but I’ve burned those memories off of my brain with a soldiering iron so I wouldn’t have to remember them.
Bruno is being a real stick-in-the-mud… but emotions can be complex things. Letting someone go is tough.
Maybe she’s being a bit of a martyr, but then again, maybe she’s just crabby and in a foul mood from being punched. Sometimes I’m not even sure.
I often came up with that annoying observation: when I felt something was “missing” in me, happiness or what-have-you, I couldn’t really say it was there to begin with.
I hate when this happens. When I’m upset about something, and it puts the person or people around me in such a foul mood that I no longer what to express being upset anymore because it becomes an emotion suck to then deal with them.
Although Bruno’s insensitivity in this case put Stanley in a bit of an unfair position.