I’ve rarely felt that traveling was giving me something to give back. But it’s an interesting idea. I guess maybe because I’ve never felt I belonged anywhere, so what could I offer to begin with.
So i draw comics.
Man-o-man-o-man. Do you remember Y2K? Everyone wondering if the computers would all collapse and planes would start falling out of the sky, and in a week we’d be living in hunter-gatherer tribes.
I was in L.A. at the time. Not more reassuring.
This strip is a good example of a lot of the freewriting I did with Bruno. Often I’d write until I found something funny. In this case, I simply wrote that analogy and was so pleased it it, I felt all I needed to do is let Bruno revel in it a bit.
These are the arguments that started going back and forth in my head back in 6th grade (I remember it pretty vividly). And it’s why, even as I lean more and more towards athiesm, that by strict definition, I will always be an agnostic, because I allow the possibility.
If I remember correctly, I think I picked up these ideas largely from the novel “The Razor’s Edge” by W. Somerset Maugham.
I still remember those puppets. If I knew where my photo albums were in the attic, I’d scan in some pictures.
This is the house I moved into when I moved to Portland (within the month before this strip originally ran). Nice to see it again. Oh, and Beulahland was a coffee shop/ pub a couple blocks away.
The thing about the Pacific Northwest is that its overcast an rainy 8 months of the year, but the rainfall is less than in New England. So mostly when it is raining, it in fact “doesn’t count.”