Someone in college said i was too nice, and I explained to her that my humor on full throttle was wicked and cutting and destructive. I purposefully hold it back with a dam, letting it only trickle out with my comics. She asked me to bring it on. Amazingly we were able to retain our friendship for a good week or two after that.
“I kissed a girl
Her lips were sweet
She was just like kissing me…”
Uh, did you skip a strip here? Shouldn’t we have seen the request, if not the kiss?
We readers have a better idea than Bruno of just how odd a moment this is for Judi, since we know Judi used to be a man.
On another note, not many people realize that being nice is NOT for the weak-hearted…
I am known among the very small circle of acquaintances who are still speaking to me for having a cynical bent to my humor. They have no idea what towering strength of character it takes to be as positive and cheerful as I am. Unrestrained, I would incite riots.
@Ronald, it was a choice at the time, that the important thing to me was the reaction, not to titillate by showing.
Oh, and as far as I understand, the respectful way to acknowledge it is that Judi was always a man, and was born with the wrong biological parts. (I’m being serious, here, in case you’re thinking I’m joking)
No no, SHE was always a WOMAN, with the wrong parts. Otherwise this gets way too confusing…
@M.A., thank you. brain typo there. Yes, that is what I meant, always a woman.
My apologies. :-|