Hah! This used to be something that irritated me. Looking at ancestors to define who we are. Being asked of my heritage. But I’ve calmed down a lot in my adult years. I still feel little interest in family trees etc, but am totally fine with others fiddling with ‘em.
My attempt here was to imply that Bruno had made at least a cursory attempt to teach Amy about secret societies of old Europe. Among other things.
And to have a laugh.
This is one of Bruno’s sneakier choices in life. I think it’s wrong to conduct a secret correspondence with a child that you know their parents will object to (certain cases, such where the parents are abusing the child, excepted). But I actually excuse Bruno because she’s family. With family comes good, comes bad, comes ugly.
Not sure what to say about this strip. There it is. Follow-up on Amy. Randall being chosen because he got on the best with her.
Using leverage when someone needs your skills/presence is not very kind, but it feels good when they also happen to make no secret of how much they dislike you.
I don’t know how much shame her uncle should feel. They have such a broken communication relationship that it’s kinda’ all fair at this point.
Nice computers, nice cars, nice shoes. Hard to explain why you have them if you’re in debt.
At least with a computer NOWadays, there might be business justification.