Once I got on the topic, I had a lot of fun thinking about it. What seems obvious (or not even thought about) for the guy, is (potentially) such a mystery to your partner.
I am amazed this strip works so well in both dialogue, character, and layout. Even a clock is right twice a day I suppose.
I love it when myself or others trip up on words. It’s so amazing with all the complex circuitry which is out brain that our tongues roll out anything coherent at all.
Bad thoughts. It’s all in how you look at them. :)
And yeah… Dije is back. He faced it, he was welcomed back, and Dana and Samantha (and Sara and Betty) being there the previous time eased the blow. Sometimes just the right set of things can redeem the unredeemable.
In truth, I’ve never been good at flings. I think I’m a slow sparker. not sure I quite fully realized that when I wrote this strip. Not that is 100% me, but definite overlap.